

Shop Hours

Mon, Wed, Thr 12-5, Tue 4-7

My name is Amy Johnson and I have lived in Bucks County my whole life. I have always admired the quaint Borough of Langhorne as a young girl and decided to move here in 1993 and raise my two children. A few years later I decided to turn a passion I had for candles into a new business in 1999. That was the birth of Langhorne Candle Company! I have had great support within the community and much success because of it!

Ten years later I met the man of my dreams, who I would eventually marry in 2011. Early in our relationship, he was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2015 and then later that year diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He passed away in February 2016. I would have done anything to get my hands on CBD (cannabinoid) products to help him with his pain. Unfortunately it was not accessible in our country at that time.

In 2018, the Farm Bill was passed which legalized the production of Hemp, with some restrictions. Fortunately, CBD is now legal to sell as long as there is .3% or less THC in it! That means you get all the health benefits of the plant without getting “high”!

So 20 years later after starting my candle business, it seemed fitting to expand it to include another passion of mine, CBD products. Although I didn’t have it in time to help my husband, I have it now and feel confident it can help so many others, including our pets! This natural product has been around a long time and has an awesome track record! Please take some time to explore how it can benefit you or your loved ones and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Thanks for stopping by!
